Isn't it a Good time?

Sunday, January 17, 2016

"Better Teleport than Transport"

A folk running back home impersonates childhood revisited with the clock striking 6 (six),
No sooner we know whether our cab is scheduled else we will be caught in a fix…

Searching for the cab or its illicit acquaintance (driver) results in stress taking a toll,
Flash mob originates and revolt sneaks in to raise our voice as an exit poll…

Blessed are those whose carrier is fixed, confirmed and adheres to the schedule,
Unsaid consoling eyes of folks seated in the cab fuels the air full of ridicule…

Uneasiness creeps & restlessness starts prevailing in the left out crowds seeking justice,
Alerting and informing their dear ones seem as if they had the last vehicle missed…

Consoling words of the accountable never venture beyond the unit of “minutes”,
Sheepish smile of folks are enchanted when someone says “It’s now the limits”…  

Pilots of the grounded crafts chew “kuber” and the isolated/carefree ones sip “cola”,
Meanwhile a war emerges whether to opt “Paytm funded Uber” or “Cash driven Ola”…

Amidst all this chaos, a fairy tale craft makes it way smoothly between the crowds,
Envisaging it as the chariot to heaven, selfish folk’s destinations can be heard loud…

Leaving all anguish & forgetting the long wait, one flutters towards the carrier like a child,

Securing a place in the chariot as the last carrier back home, myriad emotions do go… timid & mild!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Sneak Peek into Pseudo Modern Lifestyle !!!

Envisaging spurt of positive anticipation but swiftly stress takes its toll,
Creeping of subdued emancipation, dawn is no more of sunrays entering the soul,

When calmness of mind is hijacked by diverse technological messengers,
And not so social networking utilities often end up as mental scavengers…

When verbal distance is tailor made to seem far than geographical limitations,
The world is transforming into an arena, driven by needs arising of peers’ imitations…

Where everybody is an involuntary participant of a race without a finish line,
When confronted, defends them by quoting that the pain & efforts put in are thine…

Tangible wealth has become the metrics; sadly intangible wealth (peace, serenity, hope) has no takers,
Unfortunately it would be too late to realize that emotions, feelings have got no makers…

Passion dies a slow death as following it is construed as the grit & guts showcase,
Human aims at transforming them into a tiger of rat race, even though crawling at snail’s pace…

Deep within we realize ourselves as prisoners shackled by demands of modern lifestyle,
Sacrificing the miniscule memoirs & beauty of life, to unravel the mystery of rat race’s extra mile…

The unique journey treaded by everyone is bestowed with customized highs & lows,
Amidst faced with myriad woes, Homo sapiens leave no stone unturned to keep up their vows…

Engrossed in the worldly affair, intellect is stereotyped & inner self is left to perish,
Initiate an attempt to be content as past denies us beautiful moments again to cherish…

Let’s embody the spirit of oneness & humanism to become angels for souls which are depriving,
Curtailing instincts to stop chasing the beauty by price tags & enjoy nature’s free gift of this living…

Arrival of dusk marks the gradual end of another rotation of earth round the sun,
Let’s infuse a bit of “life in life” in daily monotonous run & the day is not far when battle over pseudo self will be someday won…

Your life is your story… “Write well” but make sure to “Edit Often”

Thursday, February 6, 2014