Everybody sported a smile on their face and was relaxed as
we had heard some really good reviews about our today’s faculty. Sometimes it
becomes difficult to differentiate between a faculty and a student. One such
occasion was today, we witnessed an individual sporting a chin curtain style
beard, looking fair, cheerful and lively enter into the class. Our faculty’s
name was Gaurav Vaishisth
We did away with our pen and note pads for most of the day.
We were taken back to our childhood days and the priceless experiences which we
recollected and enjoyed with our faculty who also like every child had gone
through those gruesome opinions of relatives on career choices, thought process
and ideologies. It was fun to see that we gelled and connected with the faculty
right from the word go.
Core point of initiation of today was the difference between
hard workers and smart workers and how such trait could work wonders in our
life if implemented and acted accordingly. We were judged on word pronunciation
abilities and corrected right there. We were amazed with this faculty that
between the humorous incidents he infused learning into it and time breezed
away without our notice. Well that’s how a mentor captures your attention and
interest without fail.
We came from lunch and pondered over some presentations on
communication and its importance and barriers to it. Later on during the day we
were introduced to the topic of paradigm shift which implied that “why we do
certain activities without realizing or questioning as to why they are being
done in such manner”.
Indeed it’s not only “WHAT” we speak/do is important but
“HOW” we speak/do is MOST important. Words can change a situation if properly
and correctly used, that is the power of words which we seldom give importance
to. “Quality is what matters rather than Quantity”. We were taught about some
trivial activities which has a specific protocol defining it such as handing
over visiting cards, the art of handshake which we in our normal chores ignore.
And this faculty also seconded the point which previous faculties have put
emphasis on, that body language has its own importance.
Few tips were given to improve our vocabulary which equally
would be helpful in improving communication skills as words are the building
blocks of sentences which make us deliver some great speeches and
presentations. The tips could be listed as:-
- Read an English newspaper daily – (Preferably TOI)
- Pick 5 words each day which are new to our vocabulary.
- Find out its meaning from dictionary and try to memorize it
Simple arithmetic states that on an average 150 words could
be learned and taking into account our abilities atleast 50 words could be
imbibed into our mind. With such technique we were done with the day and the
ritual of capturing the association was done with a photograph.
To sum up the day, we would say that “Frequencies matched
and thoughts clicked”…
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